Tuesday, July 24, 2012

changing plans

today was going to be fun and busy. cello lesson, hanging out with friends, swimming, vbs {i was recruited to take photos for my church}. it was going to be awesome. but that all changed with one phone call. my cello teacher is in the emergency room, i don't know why, but i hope she's ok. but that canceled my whole day. no lesson=no driving up to farmington where my friends live and where vbs takes place.

but all the same, i'm glad my day changed. i'm sad to not see my friends, but i'm happy to have a day to myself, to do whatever i want. cos the rest of my week is going to be busy. so today's plans have changed. now i might take ellie for a ride, maybe go swimming in my own pool, perhaps watch some Foyle's War, maybe finish that portrait of Emma.

i like how things suddenly change. i could have been pretty upset about today changing, but thats silly. i'd rather be happy.

1 comment:

  1. <3 <3 :) Being happy is pretty much almost always better....^_^ I hope you have a fantastic relaxing day! <3 <3
