Tuesday, December 11, 2012

lets watch the world fly by us

i don't write to impress people. i write to pour my soul out into words that comfort me, stretch me, and make me.
i write to get the right view of life.
i write because it makes me more myself.
i write to discover questions and answers. i write not because i can, but because i have to.

i write when i'm happy and when i'm sad.
i write when i'm tired and when the thunder storm in my mind won't quiet down.
i write simple words because i am a simple person.
i don't have time for fancy flourishes, but i admire those who do.
i haven't always written.
because i haven't always known how.
they tell me its like speaking.
but i don't think so.
because i still forget how to speak.
but never how to write.

i want to thank you guys for all the encouraging and wonderful words you've left.
i smiled over every single one of your comments on my last post.
they were perfect.

i'm working on re-doing my about me page, and i want to add a Q&A page, but first i need questions! so if you have any, e-mail me at ninski4@hotmail.com so i can get it going, thanks!!


  1. "they tell me its like speaking.
    but i don't think so.
    because i still forget how to speak.
    but never how to write."


    Your sincerity is quite refreshing. I very much enjoy these thoughts of yours.

  2. <3 <3 <3...I love how beautifully you just put your thoughts down. I'd love to learn that. :)

  3. "I write because it makes me more myself."...I really loved this line because it encompasses what writing is all about. I love the introspection that you have shown in these past couple of posts and I look forward to reading more :)

  4. If you try to write to impress people then you allow them to have a hold on your life. Writing is like breathing. It's like water. It's essential to functioning and unscattering things from your brain. I write because I'd go insane if I stopped. I know this is a second comment but I really like your blog.
