Monday, September 24, 2012

catching the autumn sun


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self timered photos shoots! i think i'm getting better at them, i know i had a blast doing these photos yesterday. they made me incredibly happy. totally happy with how they turned out.

so lets talk about that view, with the setting sun shining over the golden-green fields?
yup, thats my view.
i get to look at it every day, and i never get tired of its beauty. i'm constantly {at least 3 to 5 times a week} running out to the driveway to take pictures of the sunsets. of course the evening i choose to do a photo shoot the sunset isn't incredible, that would be my luck.
but let me tell you, we have some EPIC sunsets here on the Link farm. like national geographic worthy sunsets. you should come out and see it sometime ;)

xox- noni


  1. These are really great, Noni! Love the last one. :)

  2. You are amazing. :) I love your outfits, and you're so pretty!

  3. absolutely loverly, hunnyhunny. ^_^ <3 <3 I love the 4th and 5th ones up. you're gorgeous.

  4. Those are loverly! Me and re should totally go up there to see your sunsets. :-D <3

  5. Ahhhh, Noni, these pics are AMAZING!!
    I love how all the heads of the grass are lit up by the sunlight. SO pretty.
    I love sunsets SO much. God's paintings as my Mom always calls them. <3

  6. That second shot is the best. Photo shoots with self timers are the best! That sunset is pretty killer.

  7. Beautiful photos wow the colors are so great! Makes me wish I was in the countryside. The city can get old sometimes =/

  8. Wow. Really nice! I'm impressed this was all on self timer. I'm inspired to take my own.

    Nestled in Nostalgia
