Wednesday, September 19, 2012

finding the light


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you know when something happens in your life, and months later you're still wondering.
what the heck happened? what went wrong? what could you have done to make things better?
we all know that feeling, it feels like being stuck in the dark because it just isn't making sense. wondering if we'll ever understand what it all means. the circumstances differ according to each of us. but even then, we all. or, most of us. know that sort of feeling.
and you can't help but to wonder what might have happened. if only..

no. no what ifs allowed. keep going. pause to reflect. but no ifs.

don't think about what may have happened. what happened, happened.
there's no changing that. you tried your best. you failed. you succeeded, you were hurt, but you tried. you loved and you were a passionate, dear creature.
trouble found its way to you and you didn't walk away.
so what matters now, is what you still see in it all, what you've learned about life. what matters now is that you know what you're holding on to. who you're holding onto.
what matters now, is that the light is shining, just take off your sunglasses and see what it reveals.
hold fast. 
stay true. 
the light will shine on you too.

so, i'm not completely sure where this came from. but hey, it just came, so i didn't stop it! ;)


  1. Beautiful and thought provoking! :)

  2. Soooo true. Also, beautiful pictures. <3

  3. Best advice I can give? Don't give up.
    Love the pic of your profile!

  4. I needed to here that. Also, lovely pictures. Thank you so much for following my blog, I really appreciate it. :)

    1. I'm glad you liked it!
      Your blog is amazing!! I'm glad I'm following! :)

  5. Loverly truth, nonii. I <3 this whole post. those pictures are just stunning. <3 <3
