Sunday, March 17, 2013

so spring break is over. i didn't leave the house once last week, 6 days of solid nothing.

but i painted, and sketched, i read and i worked out. friday it was 80degrees out, i spent all morning/afternoon outside in shorts and a tee just reading and playing with my horse. silly girl tried to eat my book, and when she figured out i wouldn't let her, she tried to eat me! not sure what got in to her, she's weird.

now its 28degrees and raining. ah, missouri.. 

it was a good week. i needed a week of nothingness.
it was slow and easy, and sometimes reallyreally boring and hard. but i'm getting use to that.

and this is pretty much how i feel about having to go back to school..




  1. I loved all the pictures. ^_^
    I hate Monday. :(
    That does sound like a lovely week though. :D I'm sad it's back to being cold. <3

    1. "Its a Monday! I'm free, I'm scotch..tape! I'm so clear!"

  2. Ditto to all of what Rae said, minus hating Monday... Plus, that one pic about spell check... Seriously, that's me ALL the time... AND the excited pic. Yep. Me to a T. ;) <3 <3 <3

  3. I hope you had a good St. Patrick's Day Noni!!

  4. I love this. Cause its simple and sweet. :) Your horse sounds awesome. haha. lol. Im only kiddin,g but that story did make me laugh. And i love horses. I feel you about have kinda boring, but sometimes nice spring break days. Thats kinda how mine went too. It was very low key this year, but thats okay, cause i sorta needed it because my school life weekdays are crazy. The first and second picture is awesome<3 I especially love the first one though cause of my fascination with moons. Have a loverly day today despite having to go back to school!!! I hope your week goes great., Through it all, keep your chin up buttercup. :)

  5. So often you say things that I feel like came from my own brain. I really like it!

    Time alone is my favorite and least-favorite thing. It's such a bitter sweet relationship. When I don't have it, I miss it terribly. When I get a good amount of it, I start to wonder when the last social conversation I had occurred. And if I can't remember, I sort of freak out.

    Anyway, weird comment. I hope school goes well!

  6. Dude, 80 degrees?! Ahhh, you're so blessed. I wish it was like that here. We've got way too much of this cold, white, powdery stuff. :P
    & The pictures are so great lol xD
