Thursday, October 24, 2013

something i made

take a book, glue a few pages together, paint both sides of the new page, until you have all the pages glued and painted up, and ta-da! you've got yourself a new book to draw, write or do whatever you want in! i paint in mine. also, i put tape along the edges of the pages to give it a neat look.

something fun

shel silverstien is the *best* poet of ever. if you haven't ever read him, and you like your brain tickled, then i suggest reading his stuff. so good!

-day10 of song challenge, a song that makes you fall asleep.

ok, so i could't find the exact song that i wanted, but i found a song by the same husband-wife band (they're christians, too, which i think is awesome) who play the double neck guitar and cello. they're music is some of the most relaxing and enchanting music i have ever heard. their softer songs are perfect for falling asleep. they make some of the most beautiful music i have ever heard or probably will ever hear in my life. not even joking. you *must* give them a listen. you won't regret it!

Asia Rains by Acoustic Eidolon

day 11, a song from your favourite band..

Always by Switchfoot

These are the scars deep in your heart
This is the place you were born
This is the hole where most of your soul comes ripping out
From the places you've been torn

yep, i adore that band more than i can express.



  1. Le cool book is cool.

    Oooh, Asia Rains is GORGEOUS!. And that guitar... *dies*

  2. I thought it was a double neck cello. haha SO CONFUSED for a second. But that's awesome. And I really love that book idea. Your brain makes the best ideas all the time.
