Saturday, December 10, 2011

Art update..

Some of you may not know this, or perhaps you've forgotten because of the absence in my art, but..I'm kinda an artist. 
My main thing I do is photography, which I know really classifies me as a photographer, but in my mind, a photographer is someone with a really nice camera who actually makes some sort of income from their hobby/job. Don't ask me where that idea came from ;) 
But God has given me a gift to do more than see things through the lens of a camera. I've been drawing for about 7 years. Well I guess I should say I've been interested in drawing for about 7 years. I haven't really DRAWN alot those 7 years. Sad, I know.

I go of an on with drawing, its not something I'm completely in love with like photography and editing. Sometimes I tell myself the only reason for that is laziness, but then again, I find so much more enjoyment in photography. Editing has got to be one of my favorite hobbies. As of now I have only used really amateur editing programs (achem..picnik ;)
But as I've continued my picture snapping and editing, I've fallen more and more in love with it.
I'm thinking graphic design degree in college..

Here's just a few of my photo's. 

I'm sad this is sideways..

 Like I said..I really love photography <3

But. I do wish I drew more.  So I plan  to start up my drawing again! Just a sketch a day to expand the way I see things, my styles, and the gift I've been given.
Seeing is the most important thing about art. And drawing is my way of practicing how well I can learn to see the world.


  1. I love art and photography so much!! (: I tend to do more painting (watercolor and acrylic) than drawing, but I haven't painted for so long cause I just don't have time! ): Maybe I'll do some over break.... (:

    I LOVE the drawing of the girl's face right by the fawn! (: Awesome work! (:

  2. oh, and btw I LOVE your new look! (:

  3. <3 U r an 3pic lady! U have so much talent! <3 Your art and photography is always creative and inspiring. I wanna b like u when I gorw up. ;)
    I miss you like craaaaazy!!! <3

    P.S. u should post the drawing of Depp u did sometime. xD It is amazing

  4. Chemdiah, I've done some acrylic before, but its not my thing, I love watercolor so much, some day I plan on doing some Oil's (:
    Thanks for the compliments:) and yes, you should do some art ;) and then blog bout it!

    RinskiiJoy, haha, thanks <3 <3
    I forgot about the Depp one!! Did I do that this year? lol <3

  5. um...... nope! I just went a looked at the fb pix u put up... Actually, it was almost *exactly* a year ago!! Dec last year!! xD lol. <3

  6. Oh, and I *looooove* the converse drawing. I am so fond of converse. ^_^
