Wednesday, April 11, 2012

DIY: heart shirt

you need:
one shirt
fabric that frays well, a mixture of flannel and cotton works best.
a sewing machine or thread and needle.
cut out your hearts and pin them on the front, make sure you don't pick up any of the back.

you don't have to be a very experienced sewer, but if u have no expierience with the free motion on your machine, you can try using embroidery floss and doing it by hand, you might even get a cuter look too!

its ok if the material catches or puckers a bit, it'll smooth out once u have it on.

and ta-da, you've got an adorable "new" shirt!! once its been washed the edges will fray giving it a  really cute look:)

its a regularly easy project to accomplish, i did my shirt in less than half an hour. 
here's the shirt that inspired the hearts.

isn't it adorable? i love my thrift store finds.
anywho, you could use this idea for a number of things, you could even sew something onto a pair of lounge shorts or a sweat shirt!
hope you enjoyed this DIY.


  1. omw! That is soooo cute!! :D u r brilliant. I wanna do that. ^_^
    ooh! That other shirt is cute too. xD lol. <# I love t-shirts.
